Welcome to St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church

Whether you are new to our area and parish, or you have been with us for some time and decided now is the time to register, we want you to feel at home in our parish. We offer a wide variety of programs and organizations for every member of the family and we would like for you to take advantage of these. If you have need of any of these services, or you would like to be involved in an organization, please call the parish office to find out when a particular group is meeting. Once we receive your registration form you will be entered into our database. We just finished our year long celebration of 100 years as a parish, and have more than 1,850 registered families and continue to grow.  We are committed to strengthening the family of St. Charles Parish and so it is our hope that you will become involved in the parish.  If we can be of any service to you and your family, please let us know.

Yours in Christ,
Fr. John Hughes, Pastor
P.S.  If you haven’t had a chance to introduce yourself yet, please do so after Mass or stop by the parish office. I would like to meet you!

"Hidden Treasures of the Kingdom"

I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

~ Isaiah 45:3

Click here to let Fr. John know of your "Hidden Treasure of the Kingdom"
Parishioners have made reference to me that I always seem to have a “project” going on. I have to admit that this is true and if I am not working on something, I am thinking of what I can do next! Some parishioners have told me they are now coming to church each week with the anticipation of seeing what if anything is going to be different. I think it is wonderful that an excitement is happening about coming to church! Our parish and our liturgies should always be exciting and invoke that sense of wonder and awe. There should always be something to excite all five senses and our surroundings can definitely contribute to our sense of worship.
     I still consider myself new to the community and new to living in Nederland and I am still discovering many new and different things. One of the things I would like to discover is what I am going to call the “Hidden Treasures of the Kingdom.” With all the projects that I am envisioning for our parish I am looking for new people to get involved and offer a helping hand. If you have a hidden treasure that you would like to share with me and the parish, I am inviting you to complete the Hidden Treasures form below and submit it directly to me. Submit your name if you have a talent or business that the parish could benefit from. There is no telling what the next project in our parish might be so there is no limit on what you can list. Whether it is a business or a personal hobby, I can probably find a way at some point to use your unique gifts and talents. By asking around I have already discovered people who work with wood, people who like to arrange flowers, people with strong backs who can move statues and even people who are willing to come and pray at all hours of the night! Often when asking about a particular business or service and if anyone knows a parishioner who does this sort of thing, I am met with “I just don’t know.” So now is the time to let me know, now is the time to put to use the gifts and talents that God has given you for the glory of His name and the glory of the Kingdom!