Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is for the healing and spiritual strengthening of those who are impaired by sickness or old age. A person who is to undergo surgery may also be anointed. This sacrament is for the sick, and not only the dying, so please request the sacrament when illness is discovered. The presence of loved ones and friends who pray along with the priest is important at the anointing.

If you are ill or planning to enter the hospital and wish to be anointed, please call the parish office and make an appointment for anointing before you enter the hospital.

Parishioners with chronic illness or in advanced age are urged to attend the communal anointing services when announced in the bulletin.

Remember:  Once you have been anointed, you do not need to be anointed again during the same illness unless several months have passed.

Hospitalization.  If you wish to receive the Sacraments of Anointing of the Sick, Reconciliation (Confession) and Holy Communion:

  • At Catholic hospitals, please register as a Catholic and notify the Spiritual Care Department;

  • At commercial hospitals, please register as a Catholic (so the Catholic chaplain will know you are there);

  • At Denominational Hospitals, please register as a Catholic and ask the Pastoral Care Department to notify the Catholic chaplain.

To schedule an anointing, please call the parish office at (409) 722-3413.